Friday, 21 January 2011


In the framework of the module development process the public launch of the PRINCE-project "The EU-Enlargement process: Open your mind and get involved! Awareness rising events in the area of future enlargement towards the Western Balkans states in eight selected European countries" took place on 20 January at the Political Academy of the Austrian People's Party in Vienna. 

After the welcome by Dietmar HALPER, Director of the Political Academy and Andrea Ellen OSTHEIMER DE SOSA, Director "Multinational Dialogue on Development Policy”, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Brussels, the project was introduced by the responsible manager, Anna REISMANN.

Richard KÜHNEL, Head of the Delegation of the European Commission in Austria and His Excellency Milovan B
ožinović, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Austria, gave an insight into the current state of affairs both from the perspective of the European Union, the Western Balkan countries and Serbia in special. This discussion was moderated by Wieland SCHNEIDER, Journalist from the Austrian Daily “Die Presse”.


Thursday, 20 January 2011


In the course of the public launch of our EU-project representatives from six ENoP-members met at the Political Academy of the Austrian People's Party in Vienna  to further develop modules of the project.